Friday, February 28, 2020

Managing the employment relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing the employment relationship - Essay Example Under this situation, it is highly likely that the new and experienced staff would find it hard to continue performing their tasks in a professional manner. Till this point of time, both Harvey and Wong have not been able to provide any practical human resource policy. In a closer analysis of the case study, it can be easily deduced that the organization is more interested to expand business and to look for new business opportunities in Europe and Asia as well instead of giving fair time and attention to both internal and external issues. From a business perspective, this expansion policy is commendable step. However, giving insufficient time and the absence of any policy to the internal matters makes it hard for them to achieve their business and performance objectives in a timely and professional manner. As a result, both Harvey and Wong face the problem of grumbles and it further intensifies as no formal mechanism has been put in place to address the concerns of employees. Demotivation among other employees will be increasing. It is a normal practice that employees share their feelings and grievances with colleagues in the workplace. More specifically, the employees do not find it reasonable to hide their grievances instead they find it as a way to forward their concerns to appropriate authority through sharing their employment problems with their colleagues and friends as well. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is highly likely that the employees are not satisfied but highly worried about their employment issues. Moreover, if the grievances of one employee are not addressed on time, it cannot be ruled out that the employees find little motivation to complete their assignments and tasks enthusiastically. Employee productivity and motivation go hand in hand. Employee productivity refers to the output produced by

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainability Essay

The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainability Development - Essay Example In addition the study will also shed light on the benefits of sustainable development to both societies as well as to the organizations. However, the study will mainly focus on the role played by corporate social responsibility (CSR) in fostering sustainable development of a company. Finally, on the basis of the findings the study will draw a conclusion. Discussion Since the late 1980s, nations from different parts of the world have been discussing about the need of sustainable development. The issue became more apparent when scientists identified the degradation of the ecosystem due to organizational activities. The subject of global warming was also becoming a cause of concern (Polese and Stren, 2000). In addition, to reduce the damages caused by the human and organizational activities, sustainable development become necessary. Nevertheless, after a certain point of time, sustainable development became an obligation for the organizations. Sustainable development is not only necessa ry for preserving the society and environment, but it is beneficial for both organizations as well as for the society. The study will now discuss about the advantages of sustainable development for both organizations and society. Advantages of Sustainable Development for Organizations In response to the increasing environmental challenge, high inequalities in the communal development, organizations around the world have adopted sustainable development, as their growth model (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, n.d). However, this approach has not only helped companies to continue their operation in an eco friendly way, but has also provided them with large numbers of benefits. Some of the most common ones are... This report declares that nowadays, most of the companies around the world have adopted different CSR mechanisms. Moreover, the mission and vision statement of some companies are formulated in such a way that it reflects the company’s viewpoint towards the society and environment. At the same time, these companies have also implemented innovative technologies by which they can reduce the consumption of energy and resources. Rapid population growth, globalization, urbanization and increasing middle class are the driving factors towards lessening down of scarce resources such as water, energy and raw materials. The study was about identifying the role played by corporate social responsibility in the sustainable development process of an organization. In order to satisfy the objective, the study has comprehensively researched the theories proposed by the scholars previously. In addition, real life examples regarding the area of concern were also considered. The study revealed that most of the firms around the world have adopted CSR activities in order to ensure both company as well as society gets benefitted by it. In addition, from the study it has been also identified that several CSR activities such as the smarter planet of IBM, Kellogg’s ‘k-value’ are playing a crucial role in the sustainable development process of the organizations. Therefore it can be concluded that corporate social responsibility is playing a major role in fostering sustainable development.